Get vaping out of your life. For good this time!

Many people find themselves frustrated and stuck in a problematic loop with behaviors that are not working for them. For one reason or another they can’t seem to make that change from having a
problem to solving that problem. It often may not be from a lack of trying in many cases.
Rather, the programming and habits that influence us strongly on a subconscious level, tend to have us gravitating towards the same behaviors without even realizing it. Then we find ourselves back in that same familiar unwanted loop again. How do we access that subconscious level so fundamental shift can occur?
Enter Hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is a powerfully useful tool that provides the ability to go straight to the subconscious and change the strong clustering of negative associations that go on “under the hood.”
As a result, by “rewiring” these associations, whatever you may be struggling with can go through a gradual and painless transition from problematic to productive.
Here’s just a few of many things that hypnotherapy
can be useful for:
- Job Performance
- Smoking Cessation
- Vaping Cessation
- Self-Confidence
- Direction / Motivation in Life
This is easily one of the most common questions all hypnotherapists get. The answer is:
“YES… but only if you’re willing to be hypnotized.”
Contrary to popular misconception, hypnotherapy is not mind control but as the Mayo Clinic clearly defines, it is simply a “changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration.” This “state of awareness” is actually more common then people think. For instance, there are several states of hypnosis that most of us find ourselves in at one time or another through out the day or week without even realizing it, such as:
- Getting caught up in a good movie or book
- Driving home from work and not remembering
the commute to and from - That moment of drowsiness just before you fall
asleep - Meditating
Let Hypnotherapy Work for You
In order to create permanent change, you can’t just skim the surface, you’ve got to get deep and do the work. Deep into the subconscious, that is.
While relatively quick and very effective, hypnotherapy does require focus and follow through. The client must provide the desire/ willingness to change. Hypnotherapy is not going to work for something you are not really wanting.
It is my experience that those who attend the recommended number of sessions, follow the prompts given and are consistent with the exercises for reinforcing new behaviors and associations truly see the results they want to see!
M.K. Lott discovered a passion for helping others when he saw the need for good mental health practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. What worried him the most wasn’t necessarily the coronavirus itself (though it was definitely something to worry about) but rather the anxiety and fear that came from being unsure about life’s unexpected circumstances and being able to trust one another. This led him to becoming a certified life coach with a specialization in the Law of Attraction and working with college students. Some time after receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from SUU, Lott became more intrigued in extending his education which led him to the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California where he began his transition from life coaching to hypnotherapy.
He would later return to HMI to become specialized in helping people quit vaping and smoking.
“M.K. was very attentive before, throughout, and after the session. I felt extremely relaxed and safe during our session together!”
-Isabelle W.
“If I had to pick 1 word, it would be “WOW”. I have to preface this with saying that before my experience with M.K., I was a non believer. My entire outlook changed after my first session. Not only is this very real, but it was extremely helpful. My experience, although it was one brief session, was groundbreaking. It allowed me to recognize things in my life that I think would’ve taken years to figure out. I highly recommend M.K. for any type of self-exploration, and healing, whether it be physical or mental. Absolutely incredible stuff.
-Doug M.

Vaping and Smoking Cessation
According to the World Health Organization, the best option between smoking and vaping is “neither”. Sadly, not everybody is aware of that so they fall for vaping because it’s healthier, only to fall prey to the same patterns and the same nicotine dependency you get from a pack of cigarettes.
The more I saw this in the people I loved and cared about, the more inspired I became to help people remove this habit from their lives. My mission as a hypnotherapist is to help people become healthier and live more freeing lives by getting rid of the things that limit them. Physically and psychologically.

Path Finding
One of the hardest questions to answer for anybody is: What am I going to do with my life?
The thing that bothered me the most, was that it seemed there was no answer and there was no specific age for when you should have this answer whether you’re 20 or 40 or 200 or 4,000.
But the secret is: it’s actually a lot easier to find your path in life than you realize. It just takes time and the right way of processing your thoughts and passions.
In addition to health, I chose path finding as one of my specializations because everybody deserves to live their life the way they want to and to do what they love unapologetically.
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